ABC锅炉 利雅路燃烧器 百得燃烧器 威索燃烧器 检漏仪 燃气电磁阀 伺服电机 程控器 点火变压器 燃烧器配件 锅炉低氮改造 超低氮燃烧机 安徽燃烧器维修 安庆燃烧器维修 燃烧器维修

 威索 weishaupt
 燃气/空气 压力开关

产品关键词: DKO974|DKO976燃油燃烧器控制器价格图片 邢台DKO974|DKO976燃油燃烧器控制器维修 邢台DKO974|采购燃油燃烧器控制器
产品简要介绍: 产品说明: DKO974|DKO976燃油燃烧器控制器 品牌:Satronic - Honeywell 产地:美国

DKO974/976 - Oil Burner Safety Control

For 1- or 2-stage oil burners up to 30 kg/h throughput and intermittent operations with or without oil preheating

Flame detection:

- Photoresistor MZ 770 S

- Infrared-flicker detector IRD 1010

- UV flame sensor sensor UVD 970

he microprocessor- based programming sequence ensures extremely stable timings independent of voltage variations, ambient temperature and/or switch-on cycles. The built-in information system not only provides a continuous monitoring of the actual state of the box (very helpful especially for monitoring the start-up phase) but also informs about the cause of a possible lock out. The lock out cause is stored in such a way that it can be retrieved even after a power failure.

The control box is designed for maximum safety in case of fluctuations in the voltage supply. If the mains voltage drops below the permitted level, operation is interrupted and the control box automatically prevents the start sequence from being repeated. In this way, the safety of the system is not put at risk by a drop in the mains voltage. This low-voltage protection works not only during start-up but also permanently during operation.

DKO974 1-stage operation with release thermostat
DKO976 2-stage operation with release thermostat
DKO974N 1-stage operation without release thermostat
DKO976N 2-stage operation without release thermostat
安庆市冯程热能设备销售有限公司, 皖ICP备19016129号
公司地址:安徽安庆市开发区旺园路与裕庆路交叉口(开发区实验中学对面),销售电话:0556-5308116 传真:0556-5308016 手机:18955641966
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